最新ライブ作品『NO MORE TRAGEDY』リリース決定
今年9月1日に行なった東京ガーデンシアター公演の模様を収めたライブ作品『NO MORE TRAGEDY』を、2025年3月5日にBlu-ray、DVD、CDで発表いたします。
これに収められるライブは、バンド史上最大規模の会場である東京ガーデンシアターで行なった、ワールドツアー「THE THIN LINE BETWEEN LOVE AND HATE」における唯一の日本公演。巨大な台風10号の影響によって開催が危ぶまれ、敢行を決断するも、公演当日交通経路を絶たれて来場が叶わず、年内唯一の国内でのライブの観覧を泣く泣く諦めたファンの方々も少なくありませんでした。そんな方々にとってはまさに「悲劇」と言わざるをえませんでしたが、「こういったことは二度と起きてほしくない。全員に安全にライブを楽しんでほしい」というバンドの想いから、「No more tragedy(悲劇はもういらない)」というタイトルが付けられました。
今回、目下の新作スタジオ作品『LOVEBITES EP II』からの楽曲で、世界初披露となった「Unchained」を収録。「Wicked Witch」、「The Spirit Lives On」の2曲もライブ作品初収録で、「The Final Collision」もライブ映像に限っては初商品化です。また当日の全世界へ向けて生配信も行われましたが、今回の商品化にあたり、完全に異なる映像編集がなされ、音源もフィンランドの名門Finnvox Studiosにてミッコ・カルミラとミカ・ユッシラというメタル界の巨匠ふたりがそれぞれミキシングとマスタリングを手掛けています。
Blu-rayとDVDには、6月から7月にかけてのイギリス、ベルギー、ドイツ、イタリア、スペイン、フランス、デンマーク、8月の韓国、そして9月の日本とアメリカ、そのワールドツアーのドキュメンタリー映像を約1時間20分にもわたり収録し、それに対してメンバー自身が思い出を語るコメンタリーも副音声で収録。さらに、東京ガーデンシアター公演当日にファンの皆さまによって撮影され、後日バンド側に提供してくださった動画ファイルを使用して制作された「Soldier Stands Solitarily」のファンカム・ミュージックビデオもボーナスとして収められています。
VICTOR ONLINE STOREでは、この『NO MORE TRAGEDY』各フォーマットとTシャツ&フォトブックとのバンドル商品の予約受付を行なっております。フォトブックには、ワールドツアーの行く先々で撮影されたライブ写真を中心に、オフショットも多数掲載です。
'NO MORE TRAGEDY' will be released on Blu-ray, DVD, and CD on March 5, 2025, featuring the entire show at Tokyo Garden Theater held on September 1 this year.
This is the only Japanese performance of the world tour “THE THIN LINE BETWEEN LOVE AND HATE” held at Tokyo Garden Theater, the largest venue in the band's history. The show was threatened by a huge typhoon No. 10, but the band decided to go ahead with the event. However, many fans were unable to attend the show due to the lack of transportation on the day of the show, and many had to give up in tears to see the only live performance in Japan during the year. It was a “tragedy” for these people who were not able to attend the show because of the lack of transportation. The title of the concert is “No more tragedy,” as the band wanted everyone to enjoy the concert safely.
The weather was unfortunately inclement, but the concert itself was full of content and excitement befitting of the largest venue ever. The special effects of fire and snow, as well as the band coming down from the stage to the floor to play at the same eye level and almost zero distance from the audience, were elaborate and conveyed the fun and glamour of LOVEBITES' live performances more than ever.
This time, “Unchained,” a song from the current new studio work “LOVEBITES EP II,” was included for the first time in the world. Wicked Witch” and ‘The Spirit Lives On’ are also included for the first time in a live product, and ‘The Final Collision’ is also being released for the first time as a live video. The concert was broadcast live to the world on that day, but the live footage was edited completely differently for this release, and the sound was mixed and mastered by two masters, Mikko Karmila and Mika Jussila, respectively, at Finnvox Studios, a renowned studio in Finland.
The Blu-ray and DVD include an hour and 20 minutes of documentary footage of the world tour in the UK, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Spain, France, Denmark in June and July, Korea in August, and Japan and the US in September, as well as a commentary by the band members themselves. In addition, a fan-cam music video for “Soldier Stands Solitarily” was created using video files that were filmed by fans on the day of the Tokyo Garden Theater show and later provided to the band is also included as a bonus.
Pre-orders for the “NO MORE TRAGEDY” bundle, which includes each format, a T-shirt, and a photobook. The photobook features live photos taken during the world tour, as well as many candid photos of the band.
Pre-order HERE.
Title: NO MORE TRAGEDY / ノー・モア・トラジェディ
Release date: March 5, 2025
Blu-ray: ¥7,700 / VIXL-477
2DVD: ¥7,700 / VIBL-1172~1173
2CD: ¥4,000 / VICL-66046~66047
1. The Crusade
2. When Destinies Align
3. M.D.O.
4. Rising
5. Wicked Witch
6. Unchained
7. Stand and Deliver (Shoot 'em Down)
8. Set the World on Fire
9. The Final Collision
10. Thunder Vengeance
11. Holy War
12. A Frozen Serenade
13. Soldier Stands Solitarily
14. Judgement Day
15. Raise Some Hell
16. Drum Solo
17. Don't Bite the Dust
18. The Spirit Lives On
19. Under the Red Sky
20. Shadowmaker
21. We the United
(※CD版は上記トラックを2枚のディスクに収録 / The above songs will be divided into double CDs.)
(※Blu-ray/DVD版にはEnd Creditsを収録 / Blu-ray & DVD have End Credits)
Bonus footage:
- The Story Behind Love And Hate (World Tour Documentary) with commentary
- Soldier Stands Solitarily (Fan-cam video clip)